1. How much does it cost to use the child care provider search?
  2. There is NO COST to search our child care listings to find a provider near you. If you do contact a provider found in our Directory, please let them know you found them at Click here to get started now!

  3. Are these high quality child care providers?
  4. Some of the child care providers have been rated on a scale from 1 to 5 by site users. However, these ratings are the opinions of our users only and do not guarantee quality. Childcare Central, LLC does not endorse, recommend, or refer any of the providers listed on our website. It is your responsibility to determine the level of quality of any listings found on our site.

  5. What types of child care will I find when I search the Child Care Directory
  6. When you search the Child Care Directory you will be able to search either "Center" or "Home" based child care providers.
    Center based child care providers include:

    1. Pre-schools
    2. Daycares
    3. Nursery Schools

    Home based child care providers include:

    1. Family daycares
    2. Home daycares
    3. Group Home daycares

    Our Child Care Directory does not include:

    • Babysitters
    • Nannies

  7. How much does it cost to become a member? What are the benefits of becoming a member?
  8. *There is NO COST to become a member. The benefits of becoming a member include:

    • The ability to use an advanced search when looking for child care providers on our Child Care Directory (Coming soon!)
    • The ability to view user reviews and comments about child care providers
    • The ability to rate/review child care providers you are currently using/have used in the past
    • The ability to save the contact info of child care providers to reference later (Coming soon!)

  9. I have a suggestion for something I would like to see on How do I contact you?
  10. You can e-mail your suggestions/comments to:

  11. I still have questions!
  12. You can e-mail any questions you have to [email protected]